Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Knowledge Deficit related to Ectopic Pregnancy

Nursing Care Plan for Ectopic Pregnancy

Nursing Diagnosis : Knowledge Deficit

Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterine cavity.

Ectopic pregnancy is usually caused by the obstacles on the way the egg, from the ovary (ovarian) to the womb (uterus).
In rare cases, ectopic pregnancy is caused by the transfer of the egg from the ovary side one, go to the opposite side of the Fallopian tubes.

Clinical signs and symptoms are visible also depends on the location of the growth and development of the embryo. Symptoms that most frequent complaint is that there is pain in the abdominal area.

Knowledge Deficit

The absence or lack of cognitive information with respect to the specific topic.

Defining characteristics: verbalization of their problems, inaccuracies follow instructions, the behavior is not appropriate.

Related factors: cognitive limitations, interpretation of misinformation, lack of desire to search for information, do not know the sources of information.

  • Knowledge: disease process
  • Knowledge: health behavior
Goal: After nursing care within 2x24 hours the client can understand their health status.

Expected outcomes:
  • Patients and families expressed understanding of the disease, condition, prognosis and treatment programs.
  • Patients and families are able to implement the procedures described correctly.
  • Patients and families are able to explain again what is described nurses / other health.


Teaching: Disease Process
  • Give an assessment of the patient's level of knowledge about specific disease processes.
  • Provide information to patients about the condition, in a proper way.
  • Describe the pathophysiology of the disease and how it relates to anatomy and physiology, in a proper way.
  • Describe the signs and symptoms usually appear in the disease, in a proper way.
  • Describe the process of the disease, in a proper way.
  • Avoid hopeless.
  • Provide for the family of information about the progress of a patient in a proper way.
  • Discuss lifestyle changes that may be needed to prevent complications in the future and or process of controlling the disease.
  • Discuss the choice of therapy or treatment.
  • Encourage the patient to explore or get a second opinion in a way that is appropriate or indicated.
  • Exploration of possible sources or support, in an appropriate manner.
  • Refer the patient to the group or agency in the local community, in an appropriate manner.
  • Instruct patients about the signs and symptoms to report to the health care provider, in an appropriate manner.